Luis Felipe Calle Cruz
Sanidad de Castilla y Leon (SACYL), Léon
Skills and needs related to coping and fear of death in healthcare professionals who care for Palliative Care
The fear of death is a universal feeling, although felt in a different way and intensity in each individual. Proximity to it is the most frightening experience for people.
During this process, the family, health care professionals and other caregivers experience continuous changes, physical, social and psycho-emotional, that the sick person is suffering from as well.
The need to receive health education about how to develop a better way of mourning, for health care professionals is a growing need.
Analyse the degree of coping and fear of death of health care professionals and Identify deficiencies among primary and secondary health care level, in order to design appropriate improvement and intervention measures to be able to offer specialized training aimed at those health professionals who are in contact with patients in a terminal state.
Methods / process
A two-stage study on Professionals of the Spanish National Health System of any field attending PC patients. Stage I will be done during EUPCA PROJECT. Stage II will end afterwards.
Stage I: This study was conducted as a Cross-sectional descriptive study that includes different variables: Sociodemographic, training, Coping grade, Fear of death and the use of self-fulfilling anonymous email questionnaires corresponding to the validated scales of Bugen (coping of death) and Collet-Lester’s (fear of death). EUPCA project. An univariate and multivariate analysis was performed using logistic regression techniques in statistical analysis.
Stage II: Situation analysis and improvement proposal through focus groups, in order to define measurable actions to improve the competencies of health professionals in terms of attention to the process of dying.
Quantitative analysis strategy using single, bi and multi-variant study with IBM-SPSS.
Qualitative analysis of speeches and proposals from focus groups using NVivo-11.