Albiona Poci

Albiona Poci




Albiona Poci


Home Oncology Service, Tirana









Translation and cross cultural adaptation of ESAS-r (Edmonton Symptom Assessment System) into Albanian


The use of questionnaires and other clinical evaluation instruments may facilitate the diagnostic and treatment process of patients in the field of community palliative care. They contribute to identifying and monitoring patients’s pain symptoms and overall psychoemotional state and may orient services toward combining medical and nonmedical therapies.

In order to be applicable, some instruments need to be adapted to other cultures different from the one in which they were originally developed. A project was designed aiming at making usable for palliative patients and palliative staff center the Edmonton Symptom Scale Assessment System Revised (ESAS-r).

By the end of the project, it is intented to attain a lingusitic validation and cultural adaption of (ESAS-r) in a preliminary pretesting sample of approxiamtely 40 patients. It is hoped that administration of (ESAS-r) at first contacts with patients and follow ups during home services will facilitate monitoring and prognosis of patients‘ illness situation and assist treatment decisions.